
“What Kripa does is on a different plane of existence, I imagine he must be challenged to put to words what he does so people understand it. It felt so much better than years of therapy! It was exactly what I needed. The energy he evokes is powerful. My chronic back and hip pain is gone.My first session was so intense and my body responded really strongly. It was such an incredible experience where my body parts would buzz that he was focusing on healing. He’s so humble and grounded- it’s incredible to experience him. Kripa was exactly what I was looking for in dealing with grief and it was such a crazy experience but also so right and made sense. Putting into words is hard but it’s powerful” -J (Technologist)
“Kripa is one of the greatest healers I have ever met, and believe me, I have met many. His capacity to create miraculous breakthroughs on the level of the physical body, emotions and spiritual awareness has amazed me again and again. When I’m sick or distraught he is one of the first people I contact! Then, as soon as he works on me my problem is gone within a day if not within a couple of hours! It’s truly amazing. Plus, his level of integrity is some of the highest I have ever seen. I trust him implicitly. His honesty, open heart and fairness is a beautiful modeling of a new paradigm of leadership.
I consider myself to be very blessed and lucky that Kripa is in my life. He has changed my life many times and I happily refer him to others. I wish for more people to have access to his Gifts.” – Julia Mikk (CEO of SOLignment Institute)
“I am beyond grateful that I got introduced to Kripa. I had agoraphobia for 1.5 years and I had one session with Kripa and normal the next day. I was able to take the subway and hangout with my friends. I hope anyone who needs healing finds their way to him!” -G (Musician/Artist)
“There was life before and after my session with Kripa – it’s definitely been one of the greatest gifts that has been given to me. It’s now been over a month since my session and I’m still very taken aback by what happened. It’s quite difficult to describe, there is a feeling of acceptance, forgiveness and as though I’ve become unstuck, less fixated on the negative…. It’s as though something was been lifted and I was able to rewire patterns that were ingrained from my past. A new path of living was opened. Continuing with what he provided, has unlocked a more beautiful relationship with others and the world around me. Relationships with my kids and partner feel more loving and appreciated, I approach both with new perspective. Acceptance and forgiveness for myself and others has been unlocked. the generational trauma that was out of my control yet affecting my daily life and contributing to my edge was released in a way that feels hard to describe but palpable- I feel lighter, and still do. The work Kripa has done and is able to extend to me has been a gift. I’m up to continue with sessions although there was no ask or pressure to do so.” -B (Entertainment Management/Strategy)
“I felt the positive effects of Kripa’s work immediately after speaking with him for just a few minutes during our first session. Stomach pains, joint stiffness, body aches, and anxiety I had been dealing with due to my cancer began to fade away, and my body felt more at ease. Moving around no longer feels as exhausting and painful as it once did, and I feel healthy again, both physically and spiritually. I have never experienced such relief from all the issues I faced during my fight with cancer as I have from receiving the magic of Kripa’s work. As someone who has always been of faith, I am beyond grateful for his prayers and work, which I see as a gift from God that can bring peace to anyone dealing with their own struggles.” -Fernando (Retired)
“Ever since Kripa began working on my father, my family and I have felt more at peace and connected with one another. Seeing the effects of Kripa’s work spark new life into my father after he dealt with chronic fatigue, bone pain, insomnia, and panic attacks throughout his battle with cancer has been nothing short of extraordinary. Our family is beyond thankful for Kripa’s work, as it has allowed my father to return to many of the activities he enjoyed before his cancer, without the pain and exhaustion he was experiencing. I’ve been able to experience his love more everyday and as a result have felt his positivity radiate more meaning and purpose into my own life.” -J (Music Executive)
“My Kripa session was really so interesting. It feels like a veil has been lifted off of the world. All my problems weren’t solved instantly of course but it gave me such a feeling of possibility. Hard things have happened and it’s been ok. He’s so lovely and special and the experience was really moving. I feel so much better than I have in a while. The veil being gone allows me to see that nothing is the end of the world which is life changing. It’s crazy and moving!” -C (Musician/Artist)
-”My Kripa session was powerful. Forgiveness was unexpected and challenging but I am open to it and really felt it. I felt exhausted after the session but since then I have been feeling optimism and a feeling like everything is going to be ok”. -C (Television Actor)